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This is the place for San Francisco Bay Area Singles to get together. Here you can search through thousands profiles while creating new friendships online AND offline. In just a minute or so, you will have created your free online profile - ready to find your perfect match, or just be a part a a great community. We have a diverse, local community of quality single adults who share common goals and interests.
Native californian, born and raised in SF; now living in the East Bay. I feel very fortunate to live in the beautiful bay area. I enjoy thought...
Most people would say I was quiet, but my friends say I am funny, smart, sweet and down to earth. I tend to agree with both, except for the smart par...
hello. i just moved to san francisco from the midwest. i enjoy just about anything outdoors and love to explore the city. i especially like golf,...
I consider myself to be a curious, open-minded, critical-thinking person. My educational background was in music, but I’ve spent my career in techno...
Hi my name is Mariella. I am a preschool teacher, I have been teaching for about 14 years. I love what I do. I also love going to the movies, the beac...
I like to go out and have fun. Trips to the beach are relaxing, hikes are invigorating. I like watching most sports. I am in good health, enjoy exe...
Friends describe me as being kind and generous. I consider myself very patient and honest. I am also a deep thinker, non-materialistic, quite social...
I am a pretty easy going guy that likes to have fun. But I guess everyone does. I enjoy going for rides on my motorcycle, live music, car racing, di...
I’m a college graduate getting settled in my career and life and looking for someone in the same place in life as me. I’m very stable and organiz...